Does It Really Work, Really?

Two Stories from the Founder

Once I was in a doctor’s office, patiently waiting to be called in. A very distraught senior started loudly complaining that she was not being seen fast enough, and started yelling and cursing at the intake nurse. The Holy Spirit, said to me, “Mike, are you just going to sit there with your cute Crucifix, or are you going to do something?” I got up, walked over to the woman, put my hand on her shoulder, showed her my Crucifix and said, “My sister, at least you aren’t on a cross.” She looked at the Cross, calmed down and said, “What a beautiful Cross!” And she remained completely calm, thereafter. Meanwhile the nurses and staff had all started uttering, “Jesus, Jesus, Jesus”. Yeah, it works.

I always wear my Crucifix, visibly. One day I was meeting with a Baptist church on a matter of finance. When we came out of the meeting, the person in charge of putting their financial house in order pulled me to the side and asked, “Do you know what I do every day?” I said, “No.” He quietly told me, “I pray the rosary”. I said, “You might want to think about coming in all the way.” He said he had been thinking about it, and we exchanged numbers. The next year, I took him to a Catholic Revival Celebration. The following year, I was his sponsor as he happily came into full communion with The Catholic Church. Oh, did I forget to mention, he had been a bishop in the Baptist Church? Does it work? You betcha.