What Is The Crucifix Crusade

The Crucifix Crusade is a lay ministry specifically designed to help Catholic laity effectively evangelize by both sign and action. Jesus said that He would draw people to Himself, and The Crucifix Crusade was designed to draw people to actually want to know Him, by His people wearing a dynamic sign of His sacrifice. It utilizes a specific Medal Crucifix of St. Benedict, because the beauty of the Crucifix attracts, and because of the powerful story behind the Medal Crucifix of St. Benedict, which is the Crucifix used in exorcisms, healings, and conversions.

Wearing it WILL draw people to you. The real function of the Crucifix Crusade is to prepare you when people come up to you and say, “What a beautiful cross! “. It won’t be every day, but you will be surprised when you find out how often you will get the chance to tell somebody about it. Exactly what you need to do is outlined in the Guide which is included in each Crucifix Crusade Evangelization kit. It is quick, it is simple, and it is effective.